CSHTML5 has now become OpenSilver!

We are happy to announce that CSHTML5 has been significantly improved and rebranded to 'OpenSilver', which stands for 'Open-source reimplementation of Silverlight'. It is fully backward compatible and it can be downloaded from Upgrading from CSHTML5 to OpenSilver is very easy.
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New Beta 5 of C#/XAML for HTML5 adds Documentation, IsolatedStorage, Regex, Test-on-Mobile-Devices, ListBox, and much more!

Sept 29, 2015 — The beta 5 version of C#/XAML for HTML5 - the free Visual Studio extensions that enables developers to create HTML5 apps using only C# and XAML - is now available!

It can be downloaded for free from

Users who registered for one of the previous betas will receive an email with the download link.

(The beta is limited to the first 10,000 downloads. Get it quickly!)

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New features include:

  • Documentation 
  • IsolatedStorageFile and IsolatedStorageSettings
  • Test-on-Mobile-Device: a built-in local web server lets you easily test apps on mobile devices
       To use this feature, follow these steps:
    1. Start your project. This will launch the Simulator.
    2. Click "Final version"
    3. Click "Test on Mobile Devices"
  • ListBox control
  • Regular expressions (Replace, Match, IsMatch, Escape, Unescape)
  • Improved DataGrid: support for single and multiple selection
  • IsHitTestVisible
  • UIElement.TransformToVisual(...) to get the X,Y coordinates of a control
  • GeneralTransform.TransformPoint(...)
  • Border.Padding
  • UIElement.Opacity
  • ActualWidth and ActualHeight
  • KeyDown and KeyUp events
  • TabIndex
  • Guid.Parse(...)
  • Control.Focus(...)
  • Enums support in WCF / SOAP (Pro)
  • Much improved TextBox control
  • TextBox/TextBlock.TextAlignment
  • TextBox.TextDecorations: Underline, Overline, Strikethrough
  • HttpBindingBase properties: MaxBufferSize, MaxBufferPoolSize, MaxReceivedMessageSize
  • Default font is now Segoe UI
  • Colors now support alpha channel (transparency)
  • Simulator now displays the number of DOM elements ("Stats" button)
  • Bug fixes:
    • When a Grid contained multiple children in a single row and column, only the topmost child could be clicked
    • DataGrid items could not be set after the control was added to the visual tree
    • On system with Large Fonts (or high DPI), the Simulator had display issues
    • Strings were not escaped when serialized to XML
    • ImageSource could not be set to "https" URLs
    • Checkbox could not be checked programmatically
    • 3rd party libraries such as ArgGIS mapping control were not displayed correctly
    • HorizontalAlignment did not work properly on TextBlock and some other controls
    • "Number Expected" error with Int64 under IE
    • "Invalid Cast Exception" when using the DataContract attribute
    • Compilation error when sgen.exe was located in a directory that contained spaces
    • "Null Reference Exception" when a dependency property was created without any metadata
    • Thickness could not be declared with only 2 values in XAML
    • Improved ScrollViewer control
    • Improved Simulator reliability
    • Other minor fixes. If you find other issues, please contact us at

Check out the updated Showcase app for new demos of IsolatedStorage, ListBox, Regular Expressions, multiple selection in DataGrid, and more.

The sample application (beta) is now also on the Apple AppStore and on Android Google Play! If you have an iOS or Android smartphone or tablet, you can check it out.

Visual Studio 2015 support is coming before the end of the year (see the roadmap). Please be sure to vote for your most wanted features on UserVoice.

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About C#/XAML for HTML5:

C#/XAML for HTML5 is a free extension for Visual Studio that enables developers to create cross-platform HTML5 apps exclusively using C# and XAML.

It is designed for developers using C#, XAML, and Visual Studio to extend application reach to platforms outside the Microsoft ecosystem, including Android, BlackBerry, Chromebook, iOS, Linux, Mac OS, and web browsers. It can be used to migrate Silverlight apps to HTML5, as well as to create new client-side rich web applications without manipulating HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Benefits over alternative cross-platform development tools include zero learning curve for C#/XAML developers, a robust well-organized strongly-typed development experience, the ability to share C# code between the client and the server, and the ability to port legacy apps to the modern web with minimal effort, notably to convert Silverlight apps to HTML.

More information and download can be found at:

About Userware:

Userware is a software company founded in 2007 by two experts in Microsoft technologies. It has gained popularity in the last years for consumer apps such as XLS Editor (#1 Paid Productivity App in the Windows Store for 8 consecutive months), and, a patent-pending online operating system made in Silverlight that can be enhanced Wiki-style by users using an online development environment. With "C#/XAML for HTML5", Userware aims to enable all C#/XAML developers to build cross-platform HTML5 apps with the skills, tools, and code base they already have.

Userware is online at:


You can contact the team behind C#/XAML for HTML5 at:


For more information, please visit